NO60. Why is remote play back on phone or computer freezing or failed?

H.VIEW-LeoCreated at:Mar 29, 2017 19:25:26Updated at:Apr 05, 2019 14:39:49

The video are saved into hard drive.

 When you are using phone or computer to play back remotely, the phone or computer is downloading the video first. After downloading video, phone or computer can play it.

The video in hard drive is uploaded to our server first. Later, phone or computer download it from our server.

1. Our server is not very good enough to support too many videos downloaded and uploaded.

2. Phone or computer network may be not very good to download video from our server by Internet.


Therefore, you may find the play back function on phone or computer are freezing even failed. Hope you can understand it.


To improve remote play back on phone or computer, please make sure your phone or computer's network is very good. Besides, please wait for several minutes after going to play back option so that phone or computer can have time to buffer.

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