NO26. How to access DVR/NVR system on computer browser with its IP locally?

H.VIEW-LeoCreated at:Mar 30, 2017 14:42:48

Usually, we can access DVR system on website with its SN. Here is method:

But we can also access DVR/NVR system on browser by its IP locally, not by SN. Here is method:

1. Plug the DVR/NVR system to router with network cable.

2. Find DVR/NVR's IP.

3. Get a computer which is connected to same router as DVR is to access DVR with its IP Address on browser. The default user name is admin and password is none.

Note: you have better used IE instead of other browser.

Make sure the address is as , not htm , because the broswer can’t show any image with this address. 

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