NO29. How to record or take snapshot to local disk of computer?

H.VIEW-LeoCreated at:Mar 28, 2017 16:33:09Updated at:Apr 11, 2019 16:47:47

There are 4 kinds of recording. manual recording, regular recording(schedule recording), motion detection recording, alarm recording.

Manual recording.

1. Select video path first.


2. Right click image to enable recording.(You can also click snapshot to take a picture)


3. Right click image again to disable recording.

4. Go to path to check and play recording.


Schedule(regular), detection and alarm recording.


1. There is no port on our DVR to connect an alarm such as smoke detector. Therefore, alarm recording is not working on the system.

2. If you want system to get detection recording to your computer's disk, you need enable motion detection first like picture below.


Here are steps to set up regular(shedule) recording and detection recording.




Here is player to play recording file H.264 format. You also can use other player, but this H.264 is better. Please click attachment to download.

Attachment:Player_V1.6.0.2.R.20130130.rar • 1.33MB • Download

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